Posts Tagged ‘perinatal’

A Cosmological Hypothesis
Athanasios Kafkalides
The following pages by Dr. A. Kafkalides have been taken from his book (in Greek) Beyond the Boundaries of the Womb which was left unfinished in 1987 due to his death. We thank John Alevizos , Nicholas Biniaris and Jody Morgan for the translation of the pages into English.
Read A Cosmological Hypothesis »Tags: anarchon, autopsychegnosia, perinatal, psychedelic, therapy
Introduction to Transpersonal Perinatal Psychology
Daniel Mirante

The symbolism of regression to the womb can be found in shamanism, myths of great heroes, fairy tales, and initiation rites. Recurring patterns of symbolic regression and rebirth appears to be a fundamental way in which pre- and perinatal experience influences postnatal consciousness.
Added on June 20, 2020
Tags: birth, bpm, death-rebirth, perinatal, rebirthing