Posted July 15, 2022

First Original Monumental KAFNO Ikon


Biblical and Historical Explanation for the First Original Monumental KAFNO IKon painted by Tanya Maria Semaan
who generously provided this exegesis of the Ikon

Read First Original Monumental KAFNO Ikon »

Frithjof Schuon of the Traditionalist School

Art refers essentially to the mystery of the veil: it is a veil made of the world and ourselves and it is thus placed between us and God, but it is transparent in the measure in which it is perfect and communicates to us what at the same time it dissimulates. Art is true, that […]

Added on August 24, 2021


4 Living Italian Painters straddling Contemporary and Tradition

4 painters whom skillfully weave prevailing contemporary zeitgeist together with traditional symbolism.

Added on July 28, 2021