Myth & Symbol
Myths are symbolic narratives attempting to reveal universal truths about human life.

Red K Elders Interview
Daniel Mirante
Red K Elders has honoured us with her time and energy to give an interview into the nature of her skillful, potent and aesthetic imagery that invokes powerful principle archetypes, energies and entities of pan-European and Mediterranean mythologies. We hope dear reader you will enjoy this conversation which seeks to explore deep into the practice of this remarkable artist.
Read Red K Elders Interview »Tags: Hellenism, Hellenistic, Pagan, Paganism, theurgy
Hesiod, Theogony, Part 1 – Hymn to the Muses
Daniel Mirante

A reading of ‘Hymn to the Muses’ from Hesiods Theogony. Read by Daniel Mirante and accompanied by high-res closeups of ‘Parnassus’, by Andrea Mantegna, oil and egg tempera painting.
Added on August 14, 2023
Tags: classics, Hellenism, muses
The Subcreation Theory of J.R.R. Tolkien
Daniel Mirante

A discussion delving deep into J.R.R Tolkiens’ personal philosophy of the creative process- ‘subcreation’ and how it was informed by his spirituality.
Added on February 1, 2023
Tags: mythology, subcreation, Tolkien, worldbuilding
Goddess of the Jewelled Web – The Transmission of the Transpersonal in Visionary Art
Daniel Mirante

Art striving for an existential veracity or ‘truth’ will be put upon a difficult and confusing road, forking and branching pathways; between on one hand positivist and nominalist systems tending toward rationality (as in ‘ratio’, to measure), and on the other extreme something akin to pure aesthetics, decor, and the enjoyment of a sensoric object. What we wish to seek here is a deeper meaning for the Arts which put Sacred Art upon a respectable and integral foundation.
Added on September 6, 2021
Tags: coleridge, holon, ideology, jung, meme, memetics, plato, religion, richarddawkins, schelling, tautegorical, theurgy
Peresvet, Oslyabya, Divine Gloom
Oleg Korolev

The key to understanding the symbolism of the painting’s composition is found in the interpretations of the “Mystical Theology” of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite. As you maybe aware, the most Luminous Darkness, of the Divine Gloom is a theological term from the Orthodox Apophatic theology, which is based on the” negative” way of perception on it’s way of the search for the Ultimate truth through the denial of everything that which is not It.
Added on January 23, 2021
Tags: christian, contemporary, Oleg Korolev, orthodox
Daniel Mirante

The altruistic and compassionate instinct in humanity seeks for the wellbeing of the entire community if not all sentient beings, and so the reason for application of spiritual effort is not only driven by the individuals longing for Union but also for the spiritual enlightenment of humanity and for the reduction of suffering wherever possible. We can call this collective effort ‘The Great Work’. As its heart or centre is the individual communion with the Divine, which we have described as autopsychegnosia.
Added on January 14, 2021
Tags: consciousness evolution, creativity, gnosis, spiritual development
Gustave Moreau’s “Archeological Allegory”
Scott Allan

Against the supposed claims of such work to historical authenticity, Moreau formulated a principle of “archeological allegory,” which entailed the use of archeological source material in highly eccentric, deliberately anachronistic ways in his compositions.
Added on December 7, 2020
Tags: allegory, gustave moreau, symbolism