Posts Tagged ‘contemporary’
Igor Volos Interview
Daniel Mirante
Igor Volos stands as a bridge between the past and the present. His artworks embody a deep reverence for the traditional forms and artistic techniques of various cultures, while infusing them with his own unique vision and contemporary interpretation, inviting viewers to contemplate the intertwining threads of history, culture, and the ever-evolving nature of artistic expression.
Read Igor Volos Interview »Tags: contemporary, fine art, lineage, painting, shamanism, symbolism, tradition
Peresvet, Oslyabya, Divine Gloom
Oleg Korolev
The key to understanding the symbolism of the painting’s composition is found in the interpretations of the “Mystical Theology” of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite. As you maybe aware, the most Luminous Darkness, of the Divine Gloom is a theological term from the Orthodox Apophatic theology, which is based on the” negative” way of perception on it’s way of the search for the Ultimate truth through the denial of everything that which is not It.
Added on January 23, 2021
Tags: christian, contemporary, Oleg Korolev, orthodox
On Visionary Art
Rob Percival
The Visionary lineage predates religion, and has informed sacred art across the millennia. The Visionary artist is the eternal poet – ‘ein verschollener Stil’ is the grammar through which they speak. The lineage from these founding fathers is subtle but true. From the shaman’s etchings, this artistic spirit continues into the carvings of the ancients.
Added on October 19, 2020
Tags: ancient, contemporary, history, lineage, tradition
The New Eye – Visionary Art and Tradition
The historical lineage of visionary artists masks a deeper and more commanding claim that sets the genre apart from the marvelous idiosyncrasies of outsider art. The claim is that the visionary artist gives personal expression to a transpersonal dimension, a cosmic plane that uncovers the nature that lies beyond naturalism, and that reveals, not an individual imagination, but an imaginal world, a mundus imaginalis.
Added on April 19, 2020
Tags: contemporary, history, lineage, tradition, visionary art