Posts Tagged ‘memetics’

Goddess of the Jewelled Web – The Transmission of the Transpersonal in Visionary Art
Daniel Mirante
Art striving for an existential veracity or ‘truth’ will be put upon a difficult and confusing road, forking and branching pathways; between on one hand positivist and nominalist systems tending toward rationality (as in ‘ratio’, to measure), and on the other extreme something akin to pure aesthetics, decor, and the enjoyment of a sensoric object. What we wish to seek here is a deeper meaning for the Arts which put Sacred Art upon a respectable and integral foundation.
Read Goddess of the Jewelled Web – The Transmission of the Transpersonal in Visionary Art »Tags: coleridge, holon, ideology, jung, meme, memetics, plato, religion, richarddawkins, schelling, tautegorical, theurgy