Explore the blog, a regularly updated, contributor-driven, diverse and exquitive exploration of subjects pertaining to visionary art. Creating correlations and correspondences between historical moments, cultural shifts, and the changing spirit of the times.
Elias Capriles studied Philosophy at the graduate level at the Central University of Venezuela (Caracas), and at the postgraduate level at the University of The Andes (Merida, Venezuela). He carried out his studies on Buddhist and in general Asian spirituality, philosophy and psychology outside academic institutions, with Tibetan teachers and through his own reading and research. The same applies to his studies on psychology, which were carried out through extensive readings and his own practice at the spiritual emergency refuges he ran in India and Nepal in the mid 1970s. He also carried out his own independent psychedelic research in the 1960s and 1970s in Venezuela, India and Nepal.
He teaches philosophy, Buddhism, Asian art and elective subjects at the University of The Andes in Merida, Venezuela (formerly as Chairman of Eastern Studies, currently in the Research Center on Africa and Asia), and is an instructor in the Santi Maha Sangha training in Buddhism and Dzogchen in the International Dzogchen Community presided by Dzogchen Master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu. From 1977 through December 1982 he spent most of his time in retreat, intensively practicing Dzogchen in caves and cabins in the Himalayas.